Dress for Success, Without the Sweat Stains
First impressions count for a lot in the job world. And although it may seem superficial, the way a candidate dresses has a huge impact on whether or not a prospective employer takes them seriously. When it comes to choosing an outfit, the standard route is to go with business casual. If worn incorrectly or in the wrong place though, this could be as much to your detriment as showing up in ripped jeans.

The most important thing when dressing for an interview, or for any other occasion, is to make sure that you are comfortable. Don’t take this too far, of course, as pajamas are very rarely suitable for interview situations—maybe for phone interviews. What we mean is that the way you dress should reflect you as a person. If you never wear a suit jacket in your everyday life, putting one on for an interview might make you feel awkward and uncomfortable, which can have a much more negative effect than turning up in the tidiest version of what you feel comfortable wearing.
The next most important thing, is to make sure you know your audience. If you turn up to an interview in a pair of jeans to be confronted by a panel of people who are all wearing designer business formal wear, then you can feel like you’re already fighting a losing battle. Likewise, guys turning up in a three-piece suit and bow tie or ladies showing up in a formal pantsuit to an interview at a laid-back startup may make you seem like you don’t understand the environment you’ll be working in. Do your research and try to gauge what level of formality is the standard, as getting something this simple right can immediately show that you understand the business you’re trying to become a part of.
As we’ve explained, exactly what to wear depends completely on both you and the job you’re applying for. One thing you usually can’t go wrong with, however, is a neutral button-down shirt or blouse. This is the Swiss army knife of any interviewee’s wardrobe. Because of this though, they are given many more opportunities to pick up stains. One of the most typical stains to pick up on one of these tops is a wet ring sweat stain.
It’s easy to think that sweat stains mean your shirt or blouse is no longer wearable, but this doesn’t have to be the case. As soon as you notice a new stain, try and wash it out from the back with warm water. Then, spray some Spray 'n Wash Trigger on the affected area. Let it sit for five minutes before checking that all of the stained portion is saturated with the spray. Then simply wash the garment as you would normally. This will not only ensure that the stain disappears, but it also takes care of the rest of the shirt, leaving the garment dazzlingly clean.
Iron it.
This may sound very obvious, but having a freshly pressed shirt or blouse can make all the difference to your look.
When you’re comfortable in what you’re wearing, youautomatically give off an air of confidence. So get in there, and get the job you deserve!