Combating the Color Orange
Featured in curries, pastas and, of course, oranges, orange is the kind of color that people typically can’t take their eyes off. While this may be a good thing when you’re wearing that new orange shirt you love, it can become a huge problem when it’s a bright orange stain.

As always, a well-placed napkin goes a long way to prevent nasty orange stains, but it’s never going to catch every flick of spaghetti sauce or every splash of tomato soup. So, when you find yourself coping with the inevitable spillage, keep these stain removal tips in mind and your Spray 'n Wash at the ready.
Who doesn’t love a rich and creamy orange pasta sauce? Just about no one. Occasionally though, we’re too focused on how well our taste buds are reacting to realize that there’s a gob of sauce with its sights set on our lap. Fortunately, no sauce is too rich for Spray 'n Wash. Follow these steps to deal with orange stains and then—quick—get back to that pasta
As with any stain, dab away with a paper towel to absorb as much as you can.
Flush the area with cold water as soon as you can to stop the stain from setting.
Treat with Spray 'n Wash Max Trigger and finish off the stain with a normal wash.